We're not just about hosting events, but rather, building a commUNITY of wellness warriors, equipped to succeed! Below you'll find a list of resources designed to assist vendors in preparing for a successful event! Explore booth display ideas, supplies, signage, booth layout options, and so much more! Please check back often as this list is always being updated.
Suppliers, Displays, Ideas & More
Example Booth Displays
While we do offer a few ‘Premium-Sized’ booths at each event, the vast majority of our available booths are considered ‘Table-Sized’ located either along the wall (with shared electrical access) or in the interior of the room (no electricity).
Table-Sized booths are approximately 6’ x 2.5’ with 18” of space in between each booth (to allow vendors to pass-thru to get in and out of their booth space), 3 feet of space behind the table (for vendors to stand/sit), and 2 chairs. These are NOT convention-style 10’x10’ booths, therefore, large display structures WILL NOT fit.
Please find below a few examples of the different types of booth sizes and how the vendors chose to display within the confines of their booth space. (Tap the image twice to view full-size photo.)